Complete Rewrite of Entire Application for better performance, scalability, and maintainability.Changed so that silent mode doesn't prompt for output directory if 'overwrite original' is selected in preferences.Fixed some issues with certain PDFs being converted as blank text.Signed applications and set up installers with Microsoft Codesign certificate so that you no longer receive a warning when you try to install the software.Fixed issue that caused the output mode not to be retained if changed in preferences.Fixed issue that caused conversion to fail on certain multi-page PDF files.Version 2.0.7 Fixed issue with missing characters in Searchable PDF output mode with cyrillic languages (e.g. Version 2.0.8 - NovemFixed issue with the handling of some rotated PDFs. Many small bug fixes related to accuracy.Fixed some bugs in searchable PDF option that caused crashing on some pdfs.Upgraded to newer OCR engine for improved accuracy.Fixed some issues with certain PDFs producing blank white pages in Windows version.PDF OCR X Windows Change Log Version 2.x Version 2.0.25 - Dec.